Flower Identifier

About Flower Identifier

What is Flower Identifier?

Flower Identifier is a web application that uses advanced image recognition technology to help you identify flowers from uploaded images. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply curious about the flowers you see, our app can help you put a name to those beautiful blooms.

How to Use

  1. Upload a clear image of the flower you want to identify.
  2. Click the "Identify Flower" button.
  3. Wait for our AI to analyze the image.
  4. View the identification results, including the flower's name and brief description.

Our Technology

Flower Identifier leverages the power of Google's Gemini API, a cutting-edge multimodal AI model. This advanced technology allows us to analyze images with high accuracy and provide detailed information about the identified flowers. The Gemini API's capabilities in understanding both visual and textual information make it an ideal choice for our flower identification tasks.

Why Gemini API?

We chose the Gemini API for its exceptional performance in image recognition and its ability to provide rich, contextual information. This allows us to not only identify flowers but also offer additional details about their characteristics, growing conditions, and interesting facts. The Gemini API's multimodal capabilities enable a more comprehensive and user-friendly flower identification experience.

About the Creator

Flower Identifier was created by Tanmoy, a passionate developer with a love for nature and technology. This project combines Tanmoy's interest in botany with his expertise in web development and artificial intelligence. By integrating the Gemini API, Tanmoy has created a powerful tool that brings the wonders of flower identification to users worldwide.